Wednesday, November 30, 2011

you know i like my chicken fried

a cold beer on a Friday night
a pair of jeans that fit just right
yes my homies, i just quoted zac brown band
that cause his songs have been in my head since yesterday morning
since i had a very pleasant dream staring zac brown
no it was not a steamy dream
just a random, he was sitting across from me at dinner, possibly a date? i wish
at least it wasnt one of my famous killer sea lion dreams scarrrry!
while i stared at his mole under his eye
so romantic
then i woke up


 Many boring sundays you may find me walking about World Market
they have things gallour
i love everything, but i'll narrow it down to a couple things i really really like

wheel of fortune anyone?

rad head board?
OH BTW, i feel pretty awesome this morning,
While i was getting ready for the day, i was listening to Go Country 105.1
They were speaking of White Elephant Gifts
So i texted in what a white elephant gift is supposed to be
"they are supposed to be cheesy gifts, new or used, like last year everyone was fighting over a chia pet, and a framed picture of chuck norris"
Well folks, my response is famous, they read it on air!

What was your best White Elephant gift memory?

Monday, November 28, 2011

Mercedes Much?

A few weeks back Arbonne hosted an inspiration meeting at Mercedes Benz in Laguna Niegel
There are certain levels of business with Arbonne
once you become an National Vice President (3rd level up)
Arbonne gives you $800 a month towards a White Mercedes of you choice.
on top of your commission

This is my ideal vehicle of choice:
I would name it bumble bee
(and its soo much better than the transformer)

drew Barrymore's car in 50 first dates (in my top 5 fav movies btw)

ain't this sexy?

I guess i can handle a free luxury car instead...
this will be me in about 2 years if i really work my tooshy off

best support team EVER!

How was every one's Black Friday?
 Hope you left your pepper spray at home!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Gawble Gawble

Till we wabble!

Today I am Thankful for my Life!

dress: Buffalo Exchange leggings: target flats: shoe dazzle

Hope everyone has a wonderful turkey day filled with lots of family lovin', turkey, ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, pumpkin pie,
and tequila! ( or is that last one just my family?)

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

today is tuesday right?

And i am thank full for...

My Girlfriends!

oldie but a goodie

such an old picture, its just so hard to get everyone in one place at one time,
and this isn't even everyone!

I love them all!

2 more days till turkey day... i may quit eating till then so i can munch on all the carbs i want...
like i could do that till then ha

Monday, November 21, 2011

Today I am Thankfull For...

my mommy

Its the first day of Thanksgiving week!
My weeks goal is to post something I am thankful for everyday!
What are you Thankful for?

Favorite recent finds:

its been too long since i have graced myself in your haven.

super cute, and only $18? perfecto mundo.
I got a little giddy for 2 different dresses, pictures of those to come.

Remember i took jemma to get her lady parts out?
She's just so darn cute.

I didn't add any rhine stones, but i did put a pretty bow around the collar.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

im bursting

with joy and excitement!

first of all:
my seester
of my whole life is due to have her 4th bundle of joy
mid February!

second of all:
my oldest best friend
(the one you swear you'll have babies at the same time, be neighbors, then your kids will
get married and be weird twined sisters by our children's marriage kinda friendship)
is 16 weeks preggo!

i am surrounded by so many hormones

no kids,
i am not rushing to keep up with that plan we had
I'm happy with awesome aunty sam?

{kitty blurp- picked up jemma from the vet today, she's doing great after her surgery. although she has to wear a cone for 2 weeks. I'm thinkin' of adding some rhine stones? haha}

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


yes, puhleeze!

i broadened my horizon and tried something different
Oreo pazooki,
lets just say its da bomb

do i feel guilty indulging in this sliver of heaven?
not a tad bit,
cause i got to hang out with this rad girl

ps: tomorrow is hump day, i don't understand why they insist on calling it that?
the Jr higher in me still wants to giggle every time i hear it.

i looooove...

all these things:

  • oatmeal cookies
  • kitty
  • all things fluffy
  • line dancing
  • my girls nights
  • snuggle time
  • fall crisp air
  • scarfs
  • cheesy romantic movies
  • my niece and nephews (soon to be nieces!)
  • road trips
  • country music
  • my familia, all corks included
  • chipotle
  • brussle sprouts
and many many more

Hope ya'll are having a great week!
Thanksgiving only 9 days away, cant wait to get my gawble on.
What are you doing on our national give thanks day?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

happy weekend,

my morning started with a good, yet hard zumba class.
if you havent tried one yet, DO IT!

on my list for the weekend:
grocery shopping, (planning to make fajitas using tips from this blogger)
ufc fight
clean clean and clean
arbonne party
wine and cheese with my girlsss
buy my stagecoach tickets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! only 120 more days.
not like im counting or anything :)

Has anyone seen the commercials for the new Twiighlight movie?
I havent read any of the books (couldnt get into them) (i read mooshy love books)
if i had i would know the answer, but
bella gets preggo, and can feel the baby only 14 days after the wedding?
please explain?
my very preggo sister and i were debating this last night.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

kitty blurp

last week at the store
i was practically giddy when i picked up some catnip
for my (mimi kitty) mimers (poopers) moomooers, j(hsound)emma
{no i do not have 5 cats, those are just some of the names i gave her)

I have seen other kitties go crazy for it and thought she would love it.
and since I'm taking her to get spayed next week, i wanted to give her some extra love.

so this morning was the big event. i put the catnip on a plate on the floor
and what does she do?
she takes a sniff,
sticks her head up,

what a bust to my bubble

i still love my little kitty witty anyways,
attitude and all

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

two dollar

I think YESSSSS!

This is our 3rd annual halloween chipotle run.

years past the rules have been to wear tin foil, but this year at the last minute we found out
the rules had changed to dress like a farm animal.
So we worked with what foil we had, and made farm animals.

cow, farmer, bull, and dog