Friday, June 22, 2012


i have this thing about dreams. i think they usually are trying to tell me something.
either its a fear, a recap, something thats going to happen, or a feeling i havent gotten in touch with yet.
i have heard that when you wake up 90% of dreams are forgotten within 10 minutes
so i try to remember by telling myself the dream over and over.
 im now pretty good at remembering my dreams, at least the ones i think are interesting or could help me sort through things.
does anyone else do that? or is it just me?

anywhoo, my dream last night, or should i say nightmare i dont see any point of. its out of the blue and completely random.
here it goes:
it was a group of friends and i off in a cabin at this park surrounded by a suburon neighborhood..not spooky or anything. right?
but the house was haunted by Emma Stone.
not just one but Emma Stone in each of her hair colors.

when we would try to escape one of these Emma's would come chasing us on her broom stick. she was some sort of creepy witch. Her face was cratored like she had too many pimples or burned at one time.
then she was also haunting all of the other kids in the neighborhood too.  

weird, weird, weird.
the only thing i could come up with was, maybe im bored with the blond hair color and need a change..
i have been all of these colors. with some purple and bright red in there.
who knows?

did i mention its friday!?!?!?!?!!?


  1. LMAO! I'm sure the dream was scary for you but that sounds hilarious to me. Dreams are indeed weird and don't always make sense. I used to keep a dream journal and that helped me remember them. Sometimes I would analyze them using books. I don't have the time or motivation anymore, but it's a fun thing to do!

  2. Dreams are so strange. I go through periods of time where I remember them really well and feel they are significant, and then another period of time where I don't feel connected or any which way about dreams at all. The time frames are usually a couple months at a time or so.

    I've heard keeping a "dream journal" works really well!

  3. Hahaha! What a crazy dream!! My dreams usually involve someone trying to break into my house and kill me. I blame it on watching so much Criminal Minds and Lifetime!!
