Monday, February 27, 2012

the night i got a fake tattoo..

and the peach believed me for 2.3 seconds. EPIC WIN!
was one of the best nights i've had in a very long time.

i'll just say it
sexsay laday! who that be?
oh ya..thats me.

Friday, February 3, 2012

need a new game?

i stole this from inglorious bastards.
game = epic
unless you play with drew who doesnt know who ana nicole smith, angelina jolie or ronald mc donald is
i narrowed it to a black woman in politics... is it condelezza rice?

everyone writes a celebrity name on a piece of paper, turn it up side down so the person next to you cant see.
then lick the back of it and stick it to your forehead.
rules: you can only ask yes or no questions until you figure out who it is.

what a fun night!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

the yellow dress

happy hump day!

i do apologize for being MIA for the past week or so.
alot is happening. school, work, a new hunk a lunk
as soon as i had my big epiphany and least expecting, sooner than i was expecting at least.
we'll see how it goes. first date is friday. nervous.
btw, i hate this whole dating many games and do i wait 3 days to text (yes only text now, no one knows how to talk on the phone anymore?) its so nerve wracking.

anywhoo..last night i came home from school to a package.
it was not just any package like the boring ones with my school books
i love coming home to things like that.
it had this dress in it.
im super excited to wear it...but when? i cant figure out an occasion to wear it.

this past week i have had so much on my mind, and so much to do.
homework, reading, work and now im planning an engagement party for one of my bff's!
i havent been sleeping.
perfect example.
monday already going on only 5 hours of sleep, couldnt go to sleep until midnight, only to wake up to a jolly charlie horse at 4 am. then i was wide awake for the rest of the morning.
so last night i drank some chamomile and took an OTC sleep aid.
i feel
like a brand new woman!

remember to STOP and SEE the sunshine in everything!