Wednesday, May 18, 2011


That's right!
Sunday night my bff Dev

This is what we do on our imfamous road trips...

 and I went to out to Long Beach to support my other
bff Jamie, who was hosting the first ever Sexy Bingo at the Executive Suit.
(we wear tin foil every time we go out!) (really) (not)
She really needed the night to go off with a hit for her internship.
Needless to was a blast! I also had a blast from the past and ran into my old friend Andrew.
We drank, (saw alot of oddly dressed people), played bingo, drank, and danced the night away.
I think i may have offended a few lesbians..I am in no way a hater to same sex lovers, whatever makes you happy is my motto. But there was speculation of a guy in a speedo stuffing, i just had to open my mouth "prove it!", she said "whoa whoa there are some hard core lesbians here", i quickly trying to ease the tension, well if its anything penis's are really weird looking, she shot back, well if you were to see a vajayjay on the streets, it would be weird looking too...hmmm...i didn't know what to say to that....maybe next time i should say no thanks to all those sex on the beaches, and hello to some soda pop.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


Heck yes! McDrewster, Dev, Mr. Sunshine and i went for the first time last night. It was mesmerizing! If you haven't gone, definitely something you should put on your bucket list.
Goal for the rest of my life: learn to skate.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


well...not so much...but when it comes to toothbrushes i am!

Mr. Sunshine and I have had this problem one time before. Before when I lived with my girl JorjiaPeach, Mr. Sunshine would occasionally stay over, so I got him a toothbrush, and didn't want to smell his morning breath. but one morning i horrifically saw him using mine! ALL OF THOSE GERMS! its so different than kissing. so i immediately threw it away, and got a new one, my lovely mother had given me in my Christmas stocking (yes at 23 I still get a stocking).
Purposely when we moved in together I told him, this is my toothbrush, and this is yours, i even make sure the put the toothpaste between the brushes to prevent this kind of mix up...
UNTIL this morning...I strolled out of bed to stand besides Mr. sunshine brushing his teeth to brush mine.. and...he was using my toothbrush!! Although this time i didn't have an extra from my stocking to run i spent my morning boiling water to sterilize my contaminated toothbrush...

lesson to self: hide toothbrush in my own drawer.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

busy busy busy

as the title says..i have been busy these past couple days, with work, gym, studying for classes, on top of all this, last night i came home to no electricity! AHHHH (was my reaction). so i called Mr. sunshine, who works 48 hour shirts to mind you, to make sure the payment was made, yes, but there was a dispute about the start up deposit that was supposed to be waived, THEN the fire alarm was beeping every without thinking i called the property management to have them come out and fix it at 8:30 at night. So here i am a female alone in a dark apartment, waiting for a man to come fix the smoke detector.
Without hesitation i called my bff dev to come wait with me..thank goodness the emergency edison van came and turned the lights back on. Wheeeew...but now the beeping! And hour and half past still no maintenance man came, so i called back. Their reply, its not an emergency so we can not send someone out tonight, a girl without sleep is an emergency! so we took matters into our own hands! who needs a man to fix the smoke detector right? well that didn't work too well, the dang thing just wouldn't stop even with the battery out. we pushed the button on the outside and that made the thing yell at us full time. after alot of "what do we do!!!" it turned off but still beeped...
Needless to say I did not have a very peaceful sleep and i think i even had a nightmare dreamt smoke detectors.

Off to caffeine the night up with the bff for free coffee bean! cant pass up a freebie!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

school on a saturday?

that's Saturday's are now filled with 9-3 or 9-5 classes to further my knowledge in accounting and quick books. maybe the info will stick and i can boost and make moneys.
Although its  waaaaay too early!

P.S. mothers day is tomorrow. Made her a cute picture frame...frame $1 at Michael's. acrylic paint "on sale" $1 at Joannes fabrics. some extra fabric from old shirts around the house..pretty much free. The picture with the memory PRICELESS! ( I would post a pic but my camera took a poop about 2 years ago and havent gotten a new one yet)

Remember Mommas around the world need some lovin' tomorrow...and every other day!

Friday, May 6, 2011


are not my friend right now.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pony Drama

I thought girls were drama. I got to witness grown men almost battle over a pitch, thrown by a 8 year old. 
The cutest nephew in the world!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Post Numero 2

Good Evening, This really is an addition to my first post..that i was doing at work trying to look busy.. and is the beginning of the third week of going to the gym. I have promised myself (and the check book) that I will be going at least 5 days a week. So far so good. minus that one day. I feel great! Its a gym with all women! I no longer have to be self conscious running..unless there's some girls there wanting to check out my aheemssss..
I tried to save my pretty flowers one of my lovely co-workers gave me for Easter..poor buddy just didn't have it in 'em, and is probably in flower heaven. Thanks to the beautiful scorcher we had these past couple days. The only hope I have is for the Aloe Vera plant my mom graciously gave me "you'll definitely use this since you're so white and are always burnt" Thanks Mom, my skin will thank you in 20 years.
I have the apartment to myself for the night..what am I gonna do without my Mr. Sunshine..I think a glass of wine or 2  and a new episode of Glee!
Tah Tah for now,

Hard at work

Hey ya'll...this is my first post of all...this is a brand new thing for bare with me while i work out all of the little quirks.

Have a great day, and remember to smile a little more!
